November 2, 2012
I have to brag about my Rachel! She is such a clever and creative girl. The things that she has made through the years and helped other kids made are just amazing.
A couple of days ago, she made these lovely matching coats and outfit
for her dolls!!!
I was so impressed! She used scrap felt and the glue gun!!
With that sort of talent, I knew just who to go to when Benjamin said, "Mom, I need a dolphin fin to go on my unicorn for a science assignment visual but I don't want it to be permanent." Hmmm. I called the amazing seamstress that lives under the same roof..... "Rachel!!!!!"
Yesterday morning, after a short lesson on threading the sewing machine, she took some scrap felt and "Viola!" Benjamin had his "Parwal" that he needed for his project on mutation in science. I'm sure it was partly inspired by "Dolphin Tale."
Well, today Rachel was flying away at the sewing machine and later when she came out I was astounded!!!! She had made this very sleek and stylish coat for her American Girl Doll!! There are cuffs and collars, too!
The picture does not do it justice! It has three bands across the front that button and the right side of the band is sewn with a square shape that makes it look very professional!!! I am just so impressed!
I will be getting this girl sewing all winter long!!!!
It will be fun to see what she makes next!!!!
Amazing work Rachel! You are quite the seamstress!
I agree - amazing work! I think there is a future in sewing and creativity for Rachel.