CHIK-FIL-A DAY and Connie's Ramblings
-- AUG 1, 2012
Today was "Chik-fil-a Day Appreciation Day" according to a call from former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee.
Mason was more than happy to share a Mint Chocolate Chip shake but he did not like the Waffle Fries. |
Recently, the CEO of Chik-fil-a, Dan Cathy, made a statement that he supports traditional marriage as defined in the Bible. This brought about an uproar from non-traditionalists and he really was attacked.
Here is an excerpt from a Fox News report:
Huckabee said the call for an "Appreciation Day" was in response to
what he described as "economic bullying" by people trying to put Cathy
"out of business.""It was just getting out of hand," Huckabee said.
The protests against Cathy included local mayors threatening to keep the restaurant out of their city.
But on Wednesday, stores were packed and lines poured into the streets.
"It's gone beyond anything I could have imagined," Huckabee told Fox News. "Every one of (the stores) that I know have reported record, historic sales yesterday. ... A lot of the stores ran out of chicken before the end of the day."
Here in Fayetteville, I decided I had to go and support the message AND most importantly because Melissa LOVES Chik-fil-a and I knew she would go if she were in town!!! So, Mason and I headed to the drive through after I took Joseph to band camp and was so impressed that the MLK Chik-fil-a drive through line up totally made complete circle around the store! It decided to try the other location since I was running errand around town.
The College St. location was no different. I got in line and it took me about 30 minutes to get through and get my food. As I sat there and inched forward, people constantly flowed in and out of the restaurant.
No worries since I had a book with me and Mason was taking a nap in the back seat! About 2 hours later, I drove past Chik-fil-a again on my way home from errands and the line was still all the way around the building and through the parking lot. According to news reports, it was that way all day through out most of the nation!
I think perhaps this sent a strong message about traditional family values. Thousands of people quietly support a traditional definition of marriage without making a stink about it. It was a little eye opening and touching for me personally to see those numbers manifest today.
What I wish the opposing opinion would accept is that stating an opinion and belief doesn't automatically imply a prejudice. A man of prominence was asked to express an opinion. Nothing negative was ever stated against an alternate choice of marriage. Just a support for a traditional definition and statement of one person's beliefs --which was done at request not as a forceful, political attack. Why can one "group" expect to express their "beliefs" all the time without resistence yet if someone expresses a contrary belief they are offended? There are 2 sides to every issue for most things. If one side is "allowed" to express then the other side should be allowed the same "right" as well. Why can there be a "club" at FHS that is called "the Gay/Straight Alliance" but if a club formed that supported traditional marriage it would be offensive and get all sorts of flack as "descriminating."
This is a perfect example of "reverse discrimination." All should be allowed to disagree without assuming degradation.
Perhaps this is also a perfect example of the scriptural phrase in
1 Nephi 16: "the wicked taketh the truth to be hard."
I say this because I know for me in my life that if I am not at complete peace with a choice I have made, then I am not secure and I feel a need to defend it and am easily offended by others in relationship to that decision.
I say this because I know for me in my life that if I am not at complete peace with a choice I have made, then I am not secure and I feel a need to defend it and am easily offended by others in relationship to that decision.
Just because I personally disagree with "alternate lifestyles" does not mean that I disregard the individuals or value them any less as an individual. I do believe that a "same sex" relationship is in violation of God's laws. I disagree with those who believe otherwise. It does not mean that I don't accept and respect individuals or value their contribution to life as individuals. I will not go around spouting off my beliefs in the midst of opposing groups BUT if someone asks me my opinion I will share it fully. If that belief is then shared with others, that does not mean that I am campaigning against and attacking a group of people believe differently.
All of us are children of God. We all have been blessed with the gift of free agency. I'm sure there are others who believe that my lifestyle choice, a highly religious, Christian/Mormon stay at home mother of 12 children, is a ridiculous path. I am perfectly OK with others disagreeing with me. It won't effect who I choose to be, but I do expect respect towards me as an individual. All are allowed their opinions and their free agency.
All of us are children of God. We all have been blessed with the gift of free agency. I'm sure there are others who believe that my lifestyle choice, a highly religious, Christian/Mormon stay at home mother of 12 children, is a ridiculous path. I am perfectly OK with others disagreeing with me. It won't effect who I choose to be, but I do expect respect towards me as an individual. All are allowed their opinions and their free agency.
One of the blessings of our nation is the freedom to have and express our own opinions. That is a right to ALL! And that "right" has bounds of expressing without attacking or demeaning others for their opinions and beliefs. It reminds me of the story in the Book of Mormon where those who didn't believe in God persecuted those who did -- but how terrible it would be if those who believed in God criticized those who didn't believe. If a person is asked their opinion, then that person should be allowed to express it fully and completely without attack. If you don't want to know my opinion then don't ask it! If you don't like my opinion that I expressed, then get mad at the person who asked me to express it for them!
Today, people who support traditional marriage, as defined in the Bible, were invited to come out and eat at Chik-fil-a! No one said if you hate alternate marriage choice come out to Chik-fil-a. People were invited to express their belief with an action. I believe that someone has now invited those who believe in a definition of marriage that is not traditional should eat at Chik-fil-a on Friday. Great. That is not offensive to me in any way. I am not being attacked, insulted or put down by those who eat at Chik-fil-a on Friday. It really should not be such a big deal.
Either way, Chik-fil-a is getting some great business this week!
Perhaps a wonderful blessing for all the years of being closed on Sunday to honor the Sabbath Day and to allow employees to worship with their families!
I'm glad for their profit through all this because they didn't ask for it and they are not promoting it in any way! Perhaps Dan Cathy is also being blessed for making such a bold statement and expressing his faith in God when it got him some bad press. Blessing do come for those who remain grounded in God.
Today, people who support traditional marriage, as defined in the Bible, were invited to come out and eat at Chik-fil-a! No one said if you hate alternate marriage choice come out to Chik-fil-a. People were invited to express their belief with an action. I believe that someone has now invited those who believe in a definition of marriage that is not traditional should eat at Chik-fil-a on Friday. Great. That is not offensive to me in any way. I am not being attacked, insulted or put down by those who eat at Chik-fil-a on Friday. It really should not be such a big deal.
Either way, Chik-fil-a is getting some great business this week!
Perhaps a wonderful blessing for all the years of being closed on Sunday to honor the Sabbath Day and to allow employees to worship with their families!
I'm glad for their profit through all this because they didn't ask for it and they are not promoting it in any way! Perhaps Dan Cathy is also being blessed for making such a bold statement and expressing his faith in God when it got him some bad press. Blessing do come for those who remain grounded in God.
The bottom line is this: if we as individuals are truly at peace with ourselves and our choices, we have no need to argue with or criticize others. If we are at peace, we can accept others who believe different. If we are not secure and at peace with ourselves and our inner spirit, then we feel a need to defend and argue our position AND we are constantly threatened.
Enough of "Connie's Soap Box" for today. :)