With 12 children and 5 adopted from Russia, we have had challenges and trials along with our joys. We have decided that we must
learn how to "dance in the rain." We must notice and acknowledge the joys and miracles in our lives.
They exist daily -- we just need to make sure we do not miss them!! This blog is to remind us of these miracles and joys!

Friday, February 8, 2013


Christmas morning is always such a magical time! 
I remember so many sleepless nights on Christmas Eve!
I also remember going into my brother Randall's room and we 
listened to the "all night long" Christmas music and after every 10 songs, we would go check to see what time it was.  We finally fell asleep, and didn't wake up until my cousin, Julie, came and knocked on the door at 7am!
Another year, Randall and I tried to turn the clocks back one hour so we could get up an hour earlier to open presents, but we didn't succeed.
The following year, we succeeded!!!  Randall almost got caught as he crawled into Dad and Mom's room to change their digital clock and Dad woke up and asked what he was doing and he said he was just checking the time!
Randall snuck through the house and changed all the clocks as I waited anxiously in his bedroom.  Everyone got up early, without suspecting a thing! 
We went into the family room and opened presents!!  As we sat there enjoying the morning, the clock struck 6am!! The adults looked at each other and Jane looked at her watch!  Randall and I were caught!  We forgot Jane's watch!!  Of course we couldn't go into the family room during the night or we might scare Santa away!  Oh well.  It was great fun!!  We had a good laugh as everyone was there thinking it was 7am when it was really only 6am!!!  
Hee Hee hee!
A great memory!!!

Here in Arkansas in 2012, it was a year of bikes!
Daniel, David and Mason got new bikes!

We always open Christmas stockings upstairs first.

Next, it is time for the Christmas Races.  The kids run down the stairs, through the family room to touch one present and then back up the entry stairs to see who is the fastest!!!
This year, Benjamin won!!!  Hyrum was "too old" to keep his winning streak!

Mason was so excited!  All he wanted to Christmas was a new bike with a bell and a "drink bowl."  Here is the new bike and .......

Here is the drink bowl.  He had one that broke a month ago and he has been asking for one for Christmas ever since!

Down the kids come to see what Santa brought this year!
Daniel is thrilled!

Joseph helps Mason get going on his new bike.
David is excited!
Rebecca is excited for her pink pillow for her bed

Bethany REALLY wanted a purple bed set -- she loves it!

 Rachel got a purple bed set, too, for their new bedroom in the basement.
She wasn't sure at first what it was -- thus the confused look.  
When she realized what it was, she was excited!
Mason loved opening presents!
 Benjamin got a new DS game

Every year, we draw names for our "Santa Buddy" for the year.
This year was so fun as everyone really worked to learn more about their person and 
give a gift from the heart of what would make them smile.

Hyrum struck the jack pot this year -- Mason loved his presents soo, soo much!!!
He wouldn't open any others for a long time!!!

 Rachel had David and she sewed him an elf by hand and he shouted for joy when he received it!!!

 Dad got Daniel and Sheriff badge and boy was he excited!

 David got Rachel some ear muffs!  Rachel is always cold.

 Melissa got Benjamin a French Book of Mormon and a French Hymnal!
He gave her huge hugs and was so excited!

 Daniel gave Bethany a necklace that she had seen at the mall and fell in love with.  She had no idea that we helped Daniel get it and she was so surprised and almost cried!!!

David also got a sheriff badge -- he is set!

Rebecca got earrings from Robert and Alison! She really wanted earrings!

 Joseph was so excited about his book from Robert and Alison!!!

 Hyrum got a Netflix account from Mason!

 Rebecca gave mom a cute bear with body spray and some of her favorite candy bars.  After Mom opened them, she asked, "Can I put the candy bars in the freezer for you?" 
She knows mom loves her Reeses Peanut Butter Cups frozen!

 Bethany gave Melissa this beautiful painting that he had done herself!

 Joseph gave Dad a pull-up bar so he can get "buffed!"

Daniel and David got new Nike Shoes.  It was top on their list.

 Rebecca was happy -- she really wanted a new i-touch.

 Rachel loved her new sewing machine that she will share with the girls.

Mason was happy with his Hungry Hippos game from Hyrum, but he liked his pirate ship, too.

 Hyrum got ticket to ride and some shoes for his ballroom
dance classes at BYU.

 David gives 2 thumbs up for his Marshmallow bow and arrow!

Daniel has no complaints -- he even got his own Wii baseball game.
 Bethany loved her boots!

Dad got new tennis shoes for his 5:30am workouts.

David and Rachel

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